Custom Skateboard Hardware for Unique Builds-Venom HPF Caliber Plug Barrel and Cone Bushings

Durometer 95a 93a 90a 87a 85a

Venom bushings' original High Performance Formula poured into a "plug bushing" shape specifically for .

The plug (or insert) sits up inside the gap between the hanger and the kingpin to remove lateral play. The idea is, you get a quicker return to center, increased responsiveness, and a more direct turning feel over a traditional barrel bushing.

This is a pack of 2 bushings, 1x barrel and 1x cone, enough for one truck. This is how Caliber 50 degree trucks come as standard - the 44 degrees come with .

With 5 duro options you can't go too wrong with these in your Calibers! Roughly speaking for your average rider, we recommend the following weight categories for the bushings:

10-50kg: 85a

50-72kg: 87a

72-90kg: 90a

90-104kg: 93a

104-120kg: 95a

Although the uses an insert bushing too, these Venom bushings are slightly too tall for them - we recommend a instead, one duro harder than you usually choose to make up for the lack of insert.